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Our taxis commit to make your trips unique
by best answering your needs.
Welcome to Dhana Taxi
These days everyone loves to travel. There could be various purposes for traveling. Some travel for leisure, some travel for business purposes, some for adventure. Irrespective of the purposes, travel teaches us many things about different cultures and countries. Travelling also varies upon various factors such as money, choice, time, weather, and personalities. Besides everything, Travel and Tourism are a vast sector that provides countless opportunities to the people of region.
These days everyone loves to travel. There could be various purposes for traveling. Some travel for leisure, some travel for business purposes, some for adventure. Irrespective of the purposes, travel teaches us many things about different cultures and countries. Travelling also varies upon various factors such as money, choice, time, weather, and personalities. Besides everything, Travel and Tourism are a vast sector that provides countless opportunities to the people of region.
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Our fun facts
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Taxis & Drivers
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Our all taxi rates
All type of hatchback, sedan, suv price list.
Extra fares for hatchback, sedan, suv vehicles.
Each employed immigrant has his or her place of work. It is only the taxi driver, forever moving
on wheels,
who occupies no fixed space. He represents the immigrant condition.
Dhana Taxi benefit list
There is no criminal record of our drivers
holding anywhich cautions and final
warnings held on police records.
We can provide a free quotation regarding
our services of Hour package
and Out
Of station traiff.